Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Green Plastic Token: Day 27

Well, I must say that I have not been the most dedicated to this 30 day blogrimage personally, but I have enjoyed reading everyone elses. I think next year I will try again, but will pick a topic that does not include as much research.

This afternoon in another homework avoidance session, I was scheduling out my week, going through old messages on facebook, and reading through some of the notes that i wrote on facebook...btw, whatever happened to facebook notes? It took me a few minutes to find them on my homepage, and could not find them on my profile :( Anyways, I found this note I wrote on August 24th, 2008, and it is very indicative of what I am thinking about now. It is called a Green Plastic Token and it is a reflection of my some of my time in Kiev, Ukraine. I have really been thinking and praying for Ukraine recently, as I am the Team Leader for the team going to Ukraine in July. When I get there, it will have been 3 years since I was last year. In a way it feels like just yesterday, but it also feels like it has been a lifetime.

So, for today's blog, I give you:

A Green Plastic Token

A green plastic token...to some this would seem like nothing of significance, but to me it means more than I ever imagined. When I was in Ukraine, this green plastic token was my way around the city. It was my entrance into many different adventures. Who would I see? What would I experience? These questions filled my mind as I dropped the little token into the slot and walked through the gates. As I wait for the tram to come I wonder which stop should I get off at? The Metro in Kiev was where an adventure always awaited. It was where I could sit and watch people, be inundated with culture, and a place where I would stand out just because of the smile on my face. It was a time to be like the people, to give up my seat for the elderly, to laugh with the teenagers (though I really had no idea what was so funny), and to practice some of my Russian. To most in Ukraine, this was a boring everyday occurrence but to me it was a highlight of my day.

I remember my first time on the Metro after I moved there. I had this feeling of excitement and anticipation. I was getting ready to go and see the city, the place where my heart resides. As I was on the Metro a huge smile was on my face. As I looked around at the different people, I remember feeling my heart go out to them. Then I looked at this one lady. The second I looked at her, she turned her head away. I knew she was watching me. A few seconds later a turned my head towards her again and caught her eyes. I smiled really big and nodded my head. She looked shocked and then laughed. When I got off the Metro she waved good-bye. It must be said that this happening is not an everyday event. When you are riding on the Metro, stranger’s eyes hardly ever meet, smiles are never shared and are purposely avoided…unless you are friends, know each other, tourists, or are trying to pick up a hot date. I say all this to share with you one of my experiences on the Metro

I could keep going on and on about the different things I saw and experienced while riding the Metro; since I rode it at least an hour every day. I could tell you about the times that this guy would play the guitar, sing and walk on the not so smooth ride. Or this other guy who was literally swinging from the handle bars. There was also this one time when this Babushka (grandmother) got in at this stop and in a loud voice said “stand for the Babushka” and had most of the people sitting near her offered their seat. There were also times when I would get off at a stop I had never been to before and wonder around the city. Kiev Adventures is what I called them. I am also reminded of my last ride on the Metro before leaving to America. It was late at night, the last run of the night. I had just said good-bye to my best friend, and there was nothing left to be done. So, as I took my last 30 minute ride home, I wrote these words “I want to cry, but the tears just won’t come. My heart is breaking, longing to be home. My heart is torn, because I cannot choose just one. One people, one place, one tribe, one tongue.”

I found a green plastic Metro token in my pocket today, and this is what it means to me.

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