Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Blogrimage Day 6: Faroe Islands

I can't find an online translations for Faroese...lame! Well, anyways, today's country takes us to the Faroe Islands located in the gulf stream off the coast of Denmark.

Unfortunately, the Faroe Islands has a bad reputation, because every time I typed "Faroe Islands" into the search engine, whale hunting/massacre was the first thing to come up. Whale hunting is a tradition held every spring in the Faroe Islands. Everyone who wants to participates joins in the hunt for whales, and after the hunt is complete, hundreds of whales can be seen lying dead on the shore. (I won't post pictures of that). There has been recommendation to stop eating the Pilot Whale due to all the toxins in the meat, however, this has not yet stopped the hunting. Whale hunting is part of the social culture and historical culture of the Faroe Islands, and once culture has been established, it is hard to disband.  

The Faroe Islands has a population of just over 48 thousand people. Torshavn is the capital city with about half of the countries population residing within its city limits. The other half of the population is scattered throughout the rest of the land in smaller villages.

The Faroe Islands anthem is "Tú alfagra land mítt" means "Thou, my most beauteous land"

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